Read our previous issues

We have been producing East Leeds Magazine for nearly fifteen years now and are pleased to make our previous editions available for you to view.

John & Ali

Issue 138 – December 2024 

Sweet leaf of the north, you go back and forth – a little brown star to guide us on our way. Sweet Leaf of the North you go back and forth – A symbol of hope in a world that’s cold and grey. Not a Christmas song in the traditional sense but a song of rare beauty from one of the most prolific songwriters of the last twenty years. Mik Artistik’s Ego Trip’s timelss Sweet Leaf of the North, ‘it’s human, it’s real & it’s got soul.’ © Iggy Pop. Read more about Mik on page 20, we’ve a competition for his special Christmas gig at the Brudenell on 22nd December. Gathering together for the good of the local community, Connecting Crossgates have organised Carols in the Park at Manston Park on Saturday 21st December at 6.30 -7.00 p.m. There’s mulled wine and mince pies on offer. Bring a torch or lantern but try not to set fire to the place. Happy Christmas, Peace & Love. All at East Leeds Magazine

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Issue 137 – October 2024

Through a crack in the window meanders a breeze. Aids the mimic of crickets through the rustling of leaves. And the ghost need not scare me, they’re welcome within. To share my rye whiskey and watch with me. As the rain pours down in the yard. Rain, a most haunting sound. Rain makes beautiful music and rain brings peace upon all whom it falls. Rain by Martin Stephenson and the Daintees from the Boat to Bolivia album back in 1986, perhaps one of the most beautiful songs ever written about the weather and quite apt as it feels like it’s done nothing but piss it down for about three years now. And as the nights draw in, and National Clock Breaking Week approaches, our thoughts turn to Christmas and who better to start the Christmas festivities than the Medieval Baebes who bring their weird folky mead influenced songs back to Leeds Minster. We’ve a competition on page 12 for two tickets but they really are worth going to see regardless.

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Issue 136 – September 2024

From the dew-soaked hedge creeps a crawly caterpillar, When the dawn begins to crack, It’s all part of my autumn almanac. Breeze blows leaves of a musty-coloured yellow, So I sweep them in my sack. Yes, yes, yes, it’s my autumn almanac. Possibly the finest Autumn song ever written, Autumn Almanac, a 1967 hit single for the Kinks, the original warring brothers and a reunion that really would be worth seeing. and a taste of what was to come with one of the best albums ever made, The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society, “a finely observed slice of English custom”. These days it’s almost uncanny if you interpret ‘Village Green’ applied to modern issues. Relevant themes include disparaging the increasing modernisation of cities and destruction of “little shops”, satirising those who photograph mundane moments, exploring the emptiness of celebrity culture and being suggestive of environmentalism. And this was written kicking on 60 years ago. Nothing to do with anything in this issue, I just thought I’d mention it.

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