Issue 102 – March 2021

The line it is drawn, The curse it is cast, The slow one now, Will later be fast, As the present now, Will later be past, The order is rapidly fadin’, And the first one now, Will later be last, Oh the times, They are-a-changing. Fine words from Boring Bob, he might have a voice like sandpaper and some questionable beliefs but he couldn’t half knock a tune out back in the day. But lyrics he wrote back in the 1960’s still seem relevant now fifty odd years later as we hopefully come out of lockdown and society resumes to some kind of normality. Whether this is a new normality or we return to the old, only time will tell. One ‘new normal’ is the aftermath of travel, especially if we throw Brexit into the mix, ‘fit to fly’ test, blue passports or long queues in passport control in EU countries. Alan Cuthbertson tells us his hopes and fears for the future. The times are indeed are-a-changing, we might be better staying at home and watching netball.

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