Issue 112 March/April 2022

What good is a world, That’s bent on destruction. And who needs this life, If we’re here just to die. The worry goes from small in the city. To big in the nation. When will you decide to put those weapons down. We generally quote a few lyrics at the beginning of the editorial, really just a bit of fun more than anything. It almost seems disrespectful to quote lyrics at this time. We looked and looked for something apt and couldn’t find anything, then we found something on our own door step. The Bridewell Taxi’s Whole Damn Nation from 1990. Great lyrics from local lad Mick Roberts. At the time of writing, our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, we hope by the time you read this the war has stopped but somehow we doubt it with a monster holed up in the Kremlin. Peace & Love. God Bless The Ukraine and its people. All at East Leeds Magazine

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