Issue 119 – January 2023

2022 wasn’t the best year in living memory and the optimism cup isn’t exactly overflowing for 2023. But we’ll get by, we always do. It’s a new year and a new start for everyone. A new rose. Thanks to everyone who continue to support this mag, whether it’s readers or advertisers in this difficult post Covid / lockdown / Brexit.
Issue 118 – Dec 2022

It doesn’t really seem like Christmas with the World Cup ongoing. A World Cup built on modern slavery with over 6500 migrant workers dead. Football truly has lost its soul on this one.
Anyway, have a great Christmas.
God Bless The Ukraine
Peace & Love.
All at East Leeds Magazine
Issue 117 – Oct/Nov 2022

Once upon a time there was a tavern. Where we used to raise a glass or two. Remember how we laughed away the hours. Think of all the great things we would do? Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end. We’d sing and dance forever and a day. We’d live the life we choose. We’d fight and never lose, For we were young and sure to have our way. Mary Hopkin with her 1968, passage of time classic. And as we approach 15 years of East Leeds Magazine, we also are thinking, where did the time go! God Bless The Ukraine Peace.
Issue 116 – September 2022

I’m gonna go out dancin’ every night, I’m gonna see all the city lights, I’ll do everything silver and gold. I got to hurry up before I grow too old. I’m gonna take a trip around the world. I’m gonna kiss all the pretty girls. I’ll do everything silver and gold. And I got to hurry up before I grow too old.
We couldn’t let this pass without a mention for what would have been Joe Strummers 70th birthday in August. Silver and Gold is one of his later songs, a touching song about the passage of time and a poignant passionate reminder of our own fragile mortality.
Welcome to the September Edition of East Leeds Magazine. In this edition James Adams tells us all about his latest book ‘Passionate’ where he describes and analyses a life of passion, strong attachments, frequent crises and various experiences of therapy.
He also supplied the photo for the cover, taken at Skelton Lake. Many thanks James.
Issue 115 – July 2022

East Leeds Magazine – Summer 2022. As we’re writing this it seems appropriate as it seems summer’s finally arrived but outside of the sanctuary of home it seems prevails. Price increases, the powers that be seem more and more wayward, the list goes on. Thankfully Warren has brought some light relief with his fantastic news the return of international travel has brought about an increase in bed bugs. Thanks for that Warren. Lee Murtagh tells us all about his last show and has a rant about committee members. And Alan C risks his liberty to search for discarded Rolex watches on the beaches of Spain.
Issue 114 June 2022

A bit of an unusual one this issue. One of our regular advertisers Jack from Clean Care Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning had a bit of a moment when he choked on his lunch as he sat eating it in his van at Sainsbury’s car park in Colton (no fault of Sainsburys). He struggled to get out of the car and was gasping for breath when a young lady (mid to late 20’s) came to his rescue and performed the Heimlich manoeuvre, freeing the food and allowing poor Jack to breath freely again. The lady was accompanied by a small child and Jack didn’t manage to get her name or even thank her properly. If she’s reading this could she get in touch with East Leeds Magazine or Jack himself on 0800 97 007 53.
Issue 113 May 2022

You’re, making me feel that everything is alright,You’re my sunflower, you’re my sunflower, In a world that’s crumbling, all around us everyday, You are, all the inspiration that I need to find my way Sunflower, lyrics by Lenny Kravitz & Drake going back to 2011.
They probably didn’t think the sunflower might become a symbol for hope and peace back then.
Here’s hoping there is some kind of peace in Ukraine really soon. And as we begin to welcome displaced people into our community be happy that as a country we’ve not had to suffer an invasion like this and be proud there are people happy to open their doors to complete strangers, showing a caring and compassionate side that maybe we thought we had lost.
God Bless The Ukraine and its people. Peace & Love. All at East Leeds Magazine
Issue 112 March/April 2022

What good is a world, That’s bent on destruction. And who needs this life, If we’re here just to die. The worry goes from small in the city. To big in the nation. When will you decide to put those weapons down.
We generally quote a few lyrics at the beginning of the editorial, really just a bit of fun more than anything. It almost seems disrespectful to quote lyrics at this time. We looked and looked for something apt and couldn’t find anything, then we found something on our own door step.
The Bridewell Taxi’s Whole Damn Nation from 1990. Great lyrics from local lad Mick Roberts.
At the time of writing, our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people, we hope by the time you read this the war has stopped but somehow we doubt it with a monster holed up in the Kremlin.
Peace & Love.
God Bless The Ukraine and its people.
All at East Leeds Magazine
Issue 111 – February 2022

I just wanna roll my sleeves up and start again. OneRepublic – Start Again, quite apt as we’re half way through February and it sometimes feels we need a giant reset button on the world. Local musician Luke Flear must feel like he’s starting again,. like all musician’s Luke’s had a difficult last two years although he’s young enough and talented enough to still be the success he deserves to be.
Not exactly starting again, but there if you need them, Crossgates Community hub give us an update from the last issue.
Warren explains why we the local deer population has exploded and film maker and/or boxing coach Lee Murtagh on filming his latest movie. Alan explains why second hand cars are worth more in Spain than the UK although we seem to be doing our best to catch up.
Issue 110 – January 2022

Tyger, Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye. Could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? Tangerine Dream’s Tyger from 1989. There’s a certain symmetry to issue 110 being the first issue of 2022. And according to the Chinese Zodiac, 2022, the year of the water tiger will bring about positive change. And angel number 110 is a very powerful spirit number and a reminder to have faith not only in yourself but in your guardian angels. Which all sounds very positive after a difficult last two years for just about everybody. Maybe a few guardian angels have already arrived in the form of the Crossgates and Whinmoor Community Hub which is based in the Arndale (Crossgates Shopping Centre to give it’s Sunday name.) The hub is managed by Cross Gates Good Neighbours Scheme CIO through Leeds City Council and is something really positive for the area. Happy New Year from all at ELM