Issue 129 – January 2024

People need people, To walk to, To talk to. To cry and rely on, people will always need people. To love and to miss, to hug and to kiss. It’s useful to have other people. To whom to moan If you’re all alone, it’s so hard to share, When no one is there. Kindly words from poet Benjamin Zephaniah who sadly passed away just before Christmas. Moving onto 2024 and as the nights slowly get lighter anyone wanting to make a few changes to their lives might be well served giving our resident East Leeds hypnotist Gillian Lambert a call. Whether it’s anxiety or stopping smoking, Gill can help. If you can’t see yourself doing that, why not try boxing (page 22) or karate (page 13), whatever you do this year, let’s raise a glass to a bit less rain than we had last year.

Issue 128 – December 2023

I don’t know, don’t really care, Let there be songs to fill the air.
Ripple in still water, When there is no pebble, tossed, Nor wind to blow. You who choose to lead must follow. But if you fall you fall alone. If you should stand then who’s to guide you? If I knew the way I would take you home.

Ripple…A peace song from the joyfully named Grateful Dead, a song about bringing people together with love and affection through the power of music. It’s a classic from the ’70s, but it withstands the test of time and as we approach the season of Goodwill to all men it seems there is more conflict than most of us can ever remember, it does seem humanity never really learns.

Gathering together for the good of the local community, Connecting Crossgates have organised Carols in the Park at Manston Park on Saturday 23rd December at 6.30 -7.00pm. There’s mulled wine and mince pies on offer. Bring a torch or lantern but try not to set fire to the place.

Issue 127 – October 2023

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I’d something more to say.
Pink Floyd from Dark Side of the Moon, some long forgotten album from the early 70’s that sold one or two copies here and there.The Paradox Orchestra obviously liked it as they’re recreating it with violins, cellos, a double bass and things like that. By candle light no less, in Leeds Minster. And there’s a chance to win a couple of tickets on page 30.
On a slightly different side of the music spectrum but equally interesting, the former backing band of Ian Dury, The Blockheads, are still touring and keeping his memory alive, so that’s a Reason to be Cheerful and they’re also adding some great new material. They’re playing the Brudenell on December 8th and there’s a couple of tickets up for grabs on page 32.

Issue 126 – September 2023

Quite often we get emails and phone calls from local events and organisations which we would love to give publicity to but we just don’t have the space to do it. One such event is the Cross Gates Winter Health and Well-being Event, scheduled to take place on the 26th of September from 10am to 2pm at Cross Gates Shopping Centre.

Another is the Local Care Partnership group in Crossgates which is working to make Crossgates more Dementia Friendly and get local businesses involved.

Issue 125 – August 2023


It’s issue 125 of East Leeds Magazine! The number 125’s meaning is about hope, encouragement, and positivity. The number 125 is also a sign of change and new beginnings. Back in the olden days there was The InterCity 125 HST. In science the number 125 represents Unbipentium’s atomic number, while in numerology it’s a manifestation of the heavenly realm in your life. But of course, we all knew that!

Issue 124 – July 2023


Warren’s making a bit of a song and dance about honey bees right now and Alan C’s doing the same about hats! Lee Murtagh is busy putting his third film in three years together.
And another competition, this time to win two tickets to see a modern take of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ with an added environmental twist in it.

Issue 123 – June 2023


If you fancy a 1, 2 or 3 course meal but are feeling the pinch a bit or maybe you’re on your own and could do with a bit of company then Food Cycle at Chapel FM are really worth taking a look at. If you just want 12 items for £3.50 then Community Fridge are worth a visit (pages 30 & 32.) Warren ponders on what to do about foxes killing chickens and takes on a beehive at the same time. Alan seems more concerned about the drought in Spain and while it’s all doom and gloom down at Elland Road, local artist Lee Buccilli tells us about his latest ‘Leeds United Legends’ paintings.

Issue 122 – May 2023

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It seems Warren is a fan of birds (and rabbits) as he launches an attack on murderous moggies as well as irresponsible dog owners.
Seems like he’s not the only one with an axe to grind as Alan’s not too happy with a corrupt Mayor in sunny Spain and Abel’s angst is the hope that the NHS community pharmacy on the high street is not staggering towards its grave.
Suprisingley Lee Murtagh isn’t angry with anyone and has put boxing to one side as he begins his latest movie ‘Champ Tramp’ which is the story of a down on his luck former world champion boxer.

Issue 121 – April 2023

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I hope you enjoy this latest edition, welcome to spring! Warren is certainly busy with radishes and spring onions and Alan’s having to cope without chocolate Easter Eggs during the Easter parades in Spain although it does seem like the beer keeps flowing.

Issue 120 – Feb/March 2023

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It might be a bit late for Valentines Day but with all the strikes going off at the moment, with the way the buses & trains run, better late than never. Abel Kubare pens a heart breaking letter to his family. Lee’s got another show coming up and another movie in the planning stage. Warren tells us all we don’t need to know about mice and it looks like Alan’s in trouble again if his wife reads his latest article.